Where Collaboration Meets Innovation
2015 IRCHE Conference

2015 International Research Conference on Higher Education
December 2-5, 2015
Travelers Hotel and Convetion Center, Subic, Zambales
Biennially, the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP), one of the biggest state universities in the Philippines organizes international conference to encourage its faculty and other scholars and researchers to present their research findings and other related papers. The conference, a multidisciplinary in nature recognizes research as the primary means to acquire new information and innovative ideas in many academic fields and disciplines addressing the different challenges by proposing sound solutions to the various problems not only in the Philippines but also in the Asia-Pacific region as well.
The International Research Conference on Higher Education 2015 (IRCHE 2015) is a four-day, biennial activity initiated and organized by the Polytechnic University of the Philippines in partnership with the Asia-Pacific Consortium of Researchers and Educators (APCoRE). In cooperation with Department of Science and Technology-National Capital Region (DOST-NCR). Endorsed by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC) and its international partners and collaborators such as the, the Academic International Consortium of Indonesia and the Burapha University, Thailand.
This Conference will be held on December 2-5, 2015 at the Travelers Hotel and Convention Center, Subic, Zambales, a follow up through activity from the successful research conferences organized by the University in 2011 and 2013. With the overwhelming response of research enthusiasts from the academe, business sector and government organizations, the University felt accountable to lead once again in showcasing worthy intellectual exploration in scholarly works. The following are the four (4) equally significant research program areas in higher education:
• Science, Technology and Engineering
• Education
• Business and Finance
• Humanities, Social Science and Communication
The highlights of this year’s conference are as follows:
• Research Paper Presentations
• Nemesio E. Prudente Excellence in Research Award

Day 1 Keynote Speaker, Dr. Reghis M. Romero II,
Chairman of RII Group of Companies

Foreign delegates with the Keynote Speaker, Dr. Reghis M. Romero II, and PUP President, Dr. Emanuel C. De Guzman, during the first day of 2015 IRCHE

Cultural Performances to Welcome the Delegates